Xarici bukmeykerlər azərbaycanlıların pulunu necə oğurlayır? Birinci yazı

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MostBet-ə necə daxil olmaq olar?

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Xarici bukmeykerlər azərbaycanlıların pulunu necə oğurlayır? – Birinci yazı

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Mərc marketləri – Təklif olunan seçimlər

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MostBet-də oyunçular üçün təqdim olunan idman növləri

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MostBet saytında necə qeydiyyatdan keçmək olar?

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Mоstbеt giriş – rəsmi vеbsаytSаytındа iсmаlı Bukmеykеr kоntоru fəаliyyətə bаşlаdısаğı gündən bəri əsаslı rеbrеndinq kеçirməyib. Dizаynı köhnəlmiş görünmür, аmmа vizuаl рlаndа təkmilləşmə рis оlmаzdı.

MostBet-də təqdim edilən – Bonus və aksiyalar

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El brillo fuerte de la Luna,

destaca entre las ramas.

se abren las hojas oscuras,

casi de exprofeso, y pasa

el blanco fulgor en derroche.

La misma Luna, otros árboles.

El mismo brillo, otra noche.

La luz descubre altos nidos,

pero esta vez, sin culpa,

sin la emoción de lo prohibido,

sin el encanto de la aventura.

Sueños viejos y callados,

que han vuelto desde la Luna,

por la trama oculta del pasado.


Alberto Vaccaro, 27 de mayo de 2021

Libro blanco

Tengo sobre la mesa un libro de tapa blanca. Al abrirlo, sus níveas hojas satinadas, están sin letras, sin dibujos, sin manchas que rompan la pureza de la nada.

Está sobre la mesa, en mis manos, en el estante de la biblioteca, en el exhibidor de la librería.

Está vacío… O indeterminado… O contiene el todo absoluto e inestimable.

Es el libro de las poesías no escritas todavía, de las rimas no encontradas, los sentimientos más sinceros, los secretos mejor guardados.

Es el compendio de la memoria colectiva, de los hechos conocidos, o imaginados, pero sin palabras por ahora… De las versiones de cada protagonista, la incertidumbre, la subjetividad expresada con silencio.

Es un álbum de las imágenes jamás registradas, que ningún hombre retiene, una época cualquiera de la historia, un punto loco en las coordenadas del tiempo.

Un libro blanco, pulcro, sin límites, sin errores, sin opiniones conocidas, sin plagios, sin ideas parecidas, sin firma de autor.

Lo estoy leyendo. Lo bajé del anaquel para gozarlo, para encontrar las palabras que nadie dijo, los recuerdos que fui olvidando, los paisajes inaccesibles, los caminos descartados, los sueños que nadie impide soñar.

El único libro sin censuras propias o ajenas, independiente de culturas e interpretaciones, sin palabras decoradas para disimular verdades, sin respeto a conveniencias ni rebeldías, sin objetivos ocultos, sin mentiras. Sin atarse a ningún estilo, sin nombrar a nadie ni ocultar nombres, sin cercos para la fantasía, sin necesidad de trascender.

Vuelvo a revisarlo y lo encuentro maravilloso, como el “maná” para deambular por el desierto, como el espacio virgen para que nazcan las ideas, tan libre y descomprimido que ni los números de página manchan su blancura.

Hoy, en el día del libro, deposito en la obra en blanco, mi admiración a todos los libros, y a todos los autores.


Alberto Vaccaro, 26 de mayo de 2021

del otro lado…

Solía pararme frente al Cerro Pan de Azúcar, desde mi casa, para tratar de ver por entre la mole de granito, el azul del mar.
Del otro lado del paredón de roca, estaban las olas que llegaban cadenciosas a la costa. Y podía ver veleros que dibujaban plumas blancas recorriendo el horizonte, el lomo encorvado de las toninas, o el salto audaz de las lisas, a pocos metros de la orilla.
Podía percibir el aire fresco y salitroso, caminar sobre un cordón de conchas de mejillones y caracoles, marcar arcos para un picadito en la playa, corretear entre sombrillas, y zambullirme en algún huequito entre tantos bañistas.
El mar, el cerro, y yo del otro lado… Pero con suficiente perspectiva para subir por el verde del pasto hasta la piedra gris, y crear el más bonito de todos los paisajes.
Si estaba en la playa alguna tarde, atravesaba el cerro para ver mi casa, los campitos de fútbol, las calles de mi pueblo.
Los muros incluyen esa tentación de ver para el otro lado, de imaginar lo que no llega por los ojos, de pintar colores más bonitos y paisajes más hermosos.
Parado frente al cerro, desde el parque de mi casa, el mar era especialmente azul, los veleros blanquísimos, y el panorama, de ensueño.
Alberto Vaccaro, 25 de mayo de 2021

…En el Parque

Me gustaría escribir un libro de poesías en el bosque, recoger las rimas colgadas en las ramas, los amores que latieron por senderos ocultos, el aroma de las flores y las sombras que alivian el verano.

Escribir a los amores precolombinos, y a las diligencias que irrumpieron por el Oeste.

…A los versos nacidos al pie de un árbol, sobre las hojas amarillas del otoño, o en el espejo del agua que sigue su camino a la laguna.

Me gustaría escribir un libro de cuentos en el parque, con mil protagonistas y argumentos… Las palabras dichas en los parrilleros, o el sueño en voz baja de los amantes, en tardes coloridas de primavera.

Escribir a los trinos, al viento que canta en el follaje, a los colores distintos que exhibe el parque según las estaciones… O hasta al ruido invasivo de los motores.

Me gustaría escribir un libro con todos los recuerdos que flotan en el prado, a las noches que llegaron apuradas, a los amaneceres rodeados de rocío.

… A los espacios secretos, al aire limpio de la floresta, al trote aeróbico de alguna tarde, a las piletas de las lavanderas, a la represita, a los lugares que despiertan mi memoria… y a las horas vividas con locura, alguna vez.


Alberto Vaccaro, mayo 24 de 2021

Mejoras en la Estación de Cría.

Se efectúan mejoras en la Reserva del Cerro Pan de Azúcar
Los trabajos que se realizan en la Estación de Cría de Fauna Autóctona (ECFA) «Uruguay Tabaré González» comprenden la construcción de nuevos comederos para los animales y la ampliación de los recintos donde habitan los venados de campo.
Dichos comederos son útiles y vienen a cumplir con una necesidad para los ejemplares de la ECFA, brindándoles mayor confort y limpieza en sus alimentos que hacen al bienestar animal.
La construcción de los mismos se llevó a cabo en forma conjunta con la dirección de Obras del Municipio de Piriápolis, la IDM y el equipo de guardaparques, quienes cumplen tareas en la reserva.
Por ora parte, se continúa con la ampliación de los recintos de los venados de campo (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) cuyo trabajo está a cargo del personal obrero del parque.
Cabe recordar que la ECFA, al igual que el resto de los parques municiplaes permanecen cerrados al público.

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To use these trading orders effectively, learn how to calculate the optimum levels to set these trading orders. The way the information is reported by the trading platform could easily translate in hours spent trying to reconcile your tax report or simply a minute spent on printing it out. A wide selection of platforms for every type of trader including MT4/MT5. Since Forex is such a huge industry, it makes sense to choose carefully from the available brokers online. There are a number of key features to consider when looking for a broker. We would look for reliability and a good history, plus ideally a strong regulation.

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Even after reading this, you’re probably still NOT going to demo trade for at least a month since you’re stubborn like that. If you’re that impatient, then at least try to demo trade for at least a MONTH. Our gain and loss percentage calculator quickly tells you the percentage of your account balance that you have won or lost. Find the approximate amount of currency units to buy or sell so you can control your maximum risk per position. In our crypto guides, we explore bitcoin and other popular coins and tokens to help you better navigate the crypto jungle.

The maximum is $1 million – keep in mind, of course, that this isn’t real money. No matter what you decide to do, you must be prepared to lose all the money you put up as margin when trading forex, so do not trade with funds you cannot afford to lose. If you are mentally prepared for a loss, you will not be shocked if a trade doesn’t work out.

How to Open a Demo Account?

The following diagram below shows the typical signup form which traders have to fill in to gain access to the demo account. 77 % of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. Whether you’re new to currency trading or already an experienced forex trader, our risk-free $10,000 forex demo account is an ideal way to get started at FOREX.com. Register below for free and full access to our platforms for the next 30 days. Fast execution, precise charting and accurate insights are vital to your success as a forex trader. Our trading platform was built with forex trading in mind, and you can get a feel for the platform, risk-free, with your forex demo account.

Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. You could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. At RoboForex, we understand that traders should focus all their efforts on trading and not worry about the appropriate level of safety of their capital. Therefore, the company took additional measures to ensure compliance with its obligations to the clients. Open a forex demo account and start trading without any financial investments.

Trading forex in a demo account offers a great way to get started operating in the world’s largest financial market. You only need to open a demo account with an online broker of your choice to get your feet wet. That involves selecting among the various forex brokers available, which requires some initial research on your part to determine the most suitable one for your experience level and trading requirements. A demo account is a simulated market environment offered by a trading provider that aims to recreate the experience of ‘real’ trading as closely as possible. This is so that you can get a feel for trading FX on our platform.

  • First and foremost, beginner traders are curious about the markets and wish to invest in the market right away without bothering to learn the markets in a proper manner.
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A Client’s Demo account receives an email warning when they accumulate more than 40,000 messages in a single day to stop overloading the server by sending massive requests. In case they exceed the 40,000 limit for a second time, the demo account is deleted, and the IP of the client is blocked only on the respective Demo MetaTrader Server. Trade popular currency pairs and CFDs with Enhanced Execution and no restrictions on stop and limit orders. For example for risk management, the main trading orders deployed are the “Take Profit” and “Stop Loss” orders.

Open DEMO account (Forex / CFD)

Take control of your trading with powerful trading platforms and resources designed to give you an edge. Demo accounts with our FOREX.com platforms last for 90 days after sign up. Afterward, you will not be able to log in using the demo account credentials. Indices provide real-time, reliable, crisis-tested instruments to gauge volatility on upcoming events. Benefit from a variety of global indices such as Dow Jones and NASDAQ using customized leverage.

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A Forex demo account is a virtual trading account where you can trade with virtual funds. It’s connected to a live trading platform so it still receives real-time market data. RoboForex demo accounts are different from real ones in that you don’t need to deposit any real money for trading on them. a complete guide to the futures markets This is why using a forex demo account is one of the most powerful ways to test your trading strategies or EAs in real market conditions. FXTM, also known as ForexTime, is an ECN/STP broker that was established in 2011 and which is regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority, among others.

As a general rule, more intuitive platforms with more organized reporting of your trade history are better for taxes. After having done some demo trading, look through the trade history and account statements. Look at how easy it would be to see your profits and losses for the year. Examining the record of your profits and losses can also help to improve your trading skills.

If you want to try FBS Trader, you can create the Forex demo account right in the app. Thus, using a demo account allows you to actually trade the Forex market without making a real deposit. MT5 Global – for professional traders, trading through one of the most powerful and modern platforms for Forex and MetaTrader5 stock exchanges.

Open your Free Demo Account and Experience:

Most forex brokers offer their traders a wide selection of currency pairs as well as different CFDs to trade with. The danger of having too many instruments to trade with is the fact that you might lose focus. Instead learn to focus your energy and concentration on a few pairs and learn how to master trading them using the demo account. FOREX.com offers a demo account to prospective clients and ranks as the best forex broker overall. You can practice trading up to 80 currency pairs on FOREX.com’s advanced trading platforms, even if you live in the U.S. A Forex trading demo account is appropriate for both beginners as well as professionals.

trade forex demo account

Almost all Forex brokers offer a free demo trading account that can be customized according to individual specifications. You can choose the type of account, the initial deposit amount, the number of financial assets, and change an array of options to suit his or her trading style. However, be aware that there are brokers that offer a demo account with fixed trading conditions that cannot be changed according to individual preferences. These one-size-fits-all demo accounts are usually offered for a limited period, such as 30 days, and are usually an exact replica of the best account offering from the broker. Try to find an FX trading demo that offers an excellent platform to enable you to apply your trading strategies under real market conditions.

However, people often choose more than they will really trade with in real life. They take extra money for mistakes, but on real accounts, traders won’t have so much money for their faults. Moreover, with such a big capital, a trader doesn’t understand the real losses as they are easier recouped by a big capital than by a small one. Each trading platform is slightly different so even the most experienced traders can benefit from using a demo account before trading real money on their chosen platform. For example, they may want to use a Forex demo account to test a strategy or enter a new market. It is a standard practice in the online forex trading industry for brokers to offer a demo account to their potential clients.

Selecting the right forex broker is one of the most important decisions you will make as a forex trader, so choose wisely. In addition to finding one that fits your trading requirements, you’ll also want a reliable and reputable broker that submits to a strong regulatory agency for oversight. EToro specializes in social or copy trading that allows you to follow and duplicate in your own account the trades of expert traders who have an established track record with proven profitability. We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey.


Since the trader is required to provide all the necessary documentation to the relevant tax authority, the trader will rely heavily on the trading reports that are supplied by the broker. The forex broker who operates on an international scale does not provide any information on tax liabilities or handle any tax documentation on behalf of a trader since the tax laws differ from country to country. For example, some of ironfx review them have integrated fundamental analysis tools. That may be important for a long-term investor, but it doesn’t matter for a short-term trader. While each platform may function and look slightly different, most provide roughly the same features. These features include forex quotes/prices, charts, technical analysis tools, news feeds, trade history, drawing tools, and functionality for buying and selling currencies.

Without discipline, a solid trading system and proper risk management rules lose all of … By the time you’re ready to move to live trading, you’ll have grown the confidence to start using real money. It’s also a good opportunity to get to know your trading platform. MetaTrader offers a range of indicators and timeframes designed to allow you to monitor the markets, and these can take a bit of getting used to. Forex traders make money just like stock traders do by taking positions that rise in value.

Use a Forex trading demo to control your emotions and refrain from over analyzing the markets that might inhibit your ability to read the markets accurately. Using a Forex demo account doesn’t allow you to trade with real money. However, it imitates the Forex trading experience, allowing you to learn how to use the features and functions of the platform. Most brokers offer Forex demo accounts, which let you test out the Forex market with no money at all. Let’s discuss all the opportunities that we can get using demo accounts. This website includes information about cryptocurrencies, contracts for difference and other financial instruments, and about brokers, exchanges and other entities trading in such instruments.

Keeping mentally prepared lets you think through all your options instead of viewing the forex market as a get-rich-quick scheme, which it most definitely is not since most retail traders lose money. Virtual trading removes the key psychological element involved in risk-taking that can make or break a trader. Even though it does not accurately assess your trading abilities, it can help you practice. forex algorithmic trading You can also use demo account trading to assess the historical performance of your trade plan and train yourself to use a trading platform. Capital.com offers mobile apps, and commission-free trading on decent dealing spreads. Novice traders will like IG’s intuitive mobile, web and desktop platforms that are available to demo account users and include the popular MetaTrader 4 suite.

Do NOT open a live trading account until you are CONSISTENTLY trading PROFITABLY on a demo account. The demo account allows you to learn about the mechanics of forex tradingand test your trading skills and processes with ZERO risk. While you use a Forex demo account, we recommend you to make a trading journal and analyze your orders after finishing it. This approach helps you to get all your mistakes and create the strategy that works exactly for you. We are an experienced European broker licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission . Our goal is to provide traders with convenient tools for efficient trading on the Forex market.

Puente de maderas vencidas

Aquel caminito en el parque, cruzando el alambrado, llegaba a un viejo puente colgante sobre un pequeño ramal del arroyo.

¡Lindos recuerdos tengo, de aquel paisaje de pastos altos y malezas, y la estructura de madera crujiente que se sacudía a cada paso!

El parque no estaba tan desarrollado y limpio como hoy, era más inexplorado y natural… y recorrerlo era toda una aventura.

Había pasadizos entre los árboles, que permitían ir de un descampado a otro, estaba limpia la playita para bañarse, o para sentarse en la represa a mojar los pies.

Evoco las piletas de antiguas lavanderas, el parador, algunas mesas de hormigón, y los caminos semiocultos en el bosque.

Mis recuerdos pasean todavía por los senderos a media sombra, y se ponen más intensos cruzando el alambrado al fondo a la izquierda, hasta el puente colgante de madera… Memorias de alguna tarde de primavera, y un sueño adolescente que el tiempo marchitó.


Quiero darle la mano al recuerdo.
Traspasar la pared de los años
y encontrarme contigo,
como por una ventana,
uno a cada lado del tiempo.
Quiero asomarme,
como si fuera posible,
como si el presente y el pasado
pudieran estar un momento,
vagón con vagón
de dos trenes distintos,
que se cruzan en la misma estación.
Me bastará mirarte,
tocar tu mano alargando mi brazo,
decirte cuánto te quiero.
Aunque no me alcance el instante
para una charla… Para un café…
Ni para un abrazo.